Providing Sustainable Safe Adequate water services.

Kitui Water & Sanitation Co. Ltd is a limited company by guarantee and was incorporated on 10th April 2006. The Company has the core mandate of providing reliable clean water to Kitui Municipality, its environs and part of Machakos County, where the main source is located. It is the major service provider within Kitui County and some parts of Machakos County (Masinga Sub-County).

Our Mandate

The responsibilities and mandate of KITWASCO as a water service provider are stipulated in Section 78. (1) of the Water Act 2016 and include:

a) The provision of water services within the area… Read more

Our Services

Kitui Water has the mandate to providing cost effective and affordable quality water and sanitation services to the residents of Kitui County. In discharging the mandate the company is expected to… Read more

Our Mission

To provide sustainable, safe and adequate water and sewerage services to our customers in a cost-effective manner

Read more


Kitwasco has the following paying points to enable you make payments easily:

  1. Scroll down to M-pesa on the phone
  2. Then choose pay bill from the m-pesa menu
  3. Enter business Number 813235
  4. Enter the amount
  5. Enter your account number
  6. Enter your secret PIN and press OK

Information Desk

Conserve Water

  1. Take shorter showers. An easy way to keep track would be listening to music while washing and finishing by the time two songs are complete.
  2. Turning off the tap. This is the most common wasteful activity of water we have, we leave the faucet on while brushing our teeth.  Assuming people are… Read More

Tarrif Information

The Water Act 2016 is aligned to the COK 2010.1 Under the Act, county governments appoint or establish Water Service Providers to serve as licensed water operators. Section 78. (1) of the Act states that a water services provider shall be responsible for: The provision of water services within the area specified in the license; and The development… Read More

Adverts & Notices

Kitui Water and Sanitation Company (KITWASCO) applied to the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB) for review of water services tariffs, for the period 2024/2025 to 2027/2028 as per section 72 (1) (b) of the Water Act, 2016.

Public consultation on the KITWASCO application was carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 139 of the Water Act, 2016. After considering the application, the written and oral submissions by all stakeholders during the consultation period, and based on the latest available data, WASREB has determined an upward tariff review for KITWASCO is justified to improve service delivery, operate sustainably, and protect consumer interests by meeting the tariff conditions attached to the tariff.

WASREB gives a one (1) months’ notice to all existing and potential customers of KITWASCO that the approved tariffs for the four Financial Years 2024/25, 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28 on Kenya Gazzete Vol. CXXVI—No. 66 dated 17th May, 2024 under GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5972.

For more details call 0701545554; visit our website or visit nearby KITWASCO offices.

Kitui Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (KITWASCO) proposes an upward tariff review to enable the Water utility to operate at full cost recovery and meet conditions for improving service delivery.

Details of the current tariff and the proposed tariff can be obtained from or at the Kitui Water and Sanitation Company Ltd. offices along Kyangwithya - Misewani road, opposite the governor’s office, 100 Meters off gate B.

Written comments on improvements in service delivery and/or comments on the upward tariff review should be addressed to the MD, Kitui Water and Sanitation Company Ltd P.O. Box 341-90200 Kitui or ( They can also be addressed to

The closing date for such comments shall be on 29th February 2024. A public consultation meeting shall be held on Friday, 23rd February 2024 at Kitui Agricultural Training Centre (ATC) Kitui Town starting at 10 am.

Those who will not be able to attend can join the meeting via online zoom. Below is the details and the link of the zoom meeting:-

Topic: KITWASCO Tariff Review Public Consultation Meeting
Time: Feb 23, 2024 10:00 AM Nairobi

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 1681 2996
Passcode: 5w4Yx8

All members of the public in that area of supply are invited to attend.

Kitui Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (KITWASCO) proposes an upward tariff review to enable the Water utility to operate at full cost recovery and meet conditions for improving service delivery.

Details of the current tariff and the proposed tariff can be obtained from or at the Kitui Water and Sanitation Company Ltd. offices along Kyangwithya - Misewani road, opposite the governor’s office, 100 Meters off gate B.

Written comments on improvements in service delivery and/or comments on the upward tariff review should be addressed to the MD, Kitui Water and Sanitation Company Ltd P.O. Box 341-90200 Kitui or ( They can also be addressed to

The closing date for such comments shall be on 29th February 2024. A public consultation meeting shall be held on Friday, 23rd February 2024 at Kitui Agricultural Training Centre (ATC) Kitui Town starting at 10 am.

Those who will not be able to attend can join the meeting via online zoom. Below is the details and the link of the zoom meeting:-

Topic: KITWASCO Tariff Review Public Consultation Meeting
Time: Feb 23, 2024 10:00 AM Nairobi

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 1681 2996
Passcode: 5w4Yx8

All members of the public in that area of supply are invited to attend.


The company wishes to notify the public that due to decreasing water levels at our main source of water, Masinga Dam, a water rationing scheme has been put in place. Water will be supplied to selected areas on selected days as discussed by our operations team. Kindly check the scheme Water Rationing Program for more information.

KITWASCO urges everyone to prioritize preventing the spread of HIV/Aids through and regular checkups and safe practices

There are currently no Interruption Notices available.

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