John Muthui

Chairman, Kitwasco Board

I am deeply honored and humbled by the trust placed in me as the Chairman of KITWASCO, and I extend my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to serve our community in this capacity. As I assume this role, I am keenly aware of the significant responsibilities that lie ahead and the challenges we must address to ensure the continued success and sustainability of our water service provider company.
The commitment of the current Kitui County Government to excellence and service to the community serve as an inspiration to us all, and I am committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in fulfilling my duties.

As we embark on this journey together, it is imperative that we confront the pressing issues facing our company head-on. Two challenges, in particular, demand our immediate attention: the persistently high levels of non-revenue water (NRW) and operational unsustainability. These issues not only threaten the financial viability of our operations but also jeopardize our ability to fulfill our mandate of providing safe, reliable, and sustainable water services to our customers.

In addressing these challenges, I pledge to lead our company with determination, vision, and a steadfast commitment to action. We will implement a comprehensive strategy to reduce non-revenue water through proactive leak detection and repair programs, investment in infrastructure upgrades, and optimization of our distribution network. Additionally, we will focus on enhancing operational sustainability by investing in energy-efficient technologies, strengthening asset management practices, and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement throughout the organization.

However, I recognize that addressing these challenges requires collaboration and support from all stakeholders. Therefore, I call upon our regulatory authorities, government partners, industry peers, and the community at large to join us in our efforts to tackle these critical issues and ensure the long-term success of our company.

In closing, I want to reiterate my gratitude for the opportunity to serve as Chairman of KITWASCO.  I bank on the unwavering support and collective determination of the Kitui People, the other Board members and the Kitui Governmemt under the able leadership of His Excellency the Governor to overcome the challenges ahead and emerge stronger, more resilient, and better positioned to fulfill our mission of delivering high-quality water services to our community.