Our Mission, Vision & Core Values
To be a reputable provider of adequate, reliable, safe water and sewerage services.
To provide sustainable, safe and adequate water and sewerage services to our customers in a cost-effective manner
The responsibilities and mandate of KITWASCO as a water service provider are stipulated in Section 78. (1) of the Water Act 2016 and include:
a) The provision of water services within the area specified in the license; and
b) The development of county assets for water service provision.
a) Transparency and Accountability
b) Integrity
c) Professionalism
d) Teamwork
e) Creativity and Innovation
Organizational Chart
KITWASCO is run by a Board of Directors with a membership of 7. Initially, members were elected in public forums but in line with corporate governance guidelines, the members are appointed by the Principal. The Board of Directors functions through four committees namely: -
- Audit Committee
- Technical Committee
- Finance Committee
- Human Resource and General Purpose Committee
The management which is composed of The Managing Director, Technical Manager, Commercial Manager, and Human Resource & Administration Manager runs the day to day affairs of the Company under the leadership of the Managing Director. KITWASCO has four major departments namely:
a) Commercial Department: Accounts & Revenue Sections
b) Technical Departments: New Connections, O & M, Transport
c) Human Resources & Administration: Customer Care, General Administration
d) Directorate Department: Audit and Public Relations.The Company has a permanent workforce of 75 staff and 27 casuals. This has been occasioned by the ever-expanding network, low customer & staff integrity levels and dilapidated infrastructure. Also, the Company is operating on a 24-h 7 days a week program and 90% rural, the permanent staff cannot handle the workload due to the great reticulation lengths with minimal connections.
Board of Directors
The Current membership is composed of: -
- Harrison Maluki- Chairman.
- Rev. Peter Kimanga- Director- Kitui Eat and Kitui Central.
- August Ndingo- Director (CGK).
- Martin Mumo- Director (CGK).
- Catherine Nzila- Director- Kitui West.
- Stanley Mang'eli- Director- Masinga.
- Queen Moli Masila- Director- Water Schemes.
- Gustus James Mumo- Director- Kitui South.
- Grace Mutia- Director- Large Institutions.