WARIS Data Validation for FY2022/2023

WARIS is a software application designed for database management, aiding in the input, consolidation, and analysis of data from Water Utilities to produce performance reports for the water sector.

The Water Services Regulatory Board (WSRB) under section 47 of the Water Act 2002 is mandated to:
(a) Monitor compliance with established standards;
(b) Provide advice on cost effective and efficient management of Water services;
(c) Monitor the operations of the Service Provision Agreements (SPAs);
(d) Disseminate information about water services;
(e) Gather and maintain information on water services
(f) Advise the Minister
The Water Services Boards (WSBs) and the Water Service Providers (WSPs) are required to report their activities under section 50(1-4) of the Water Act, 2002.

This has been in progress since 5th March 2023 for the financial year 2022/2023 at Kenya School of Government.

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